Before you can create an artist account, you need to apply and get accepted to Dartroom. When you are accepted, you will receive an email with a link to the account creation form. Make sure you visit the account creation page with the link in the email and not a link from someone else. The link in the email contains your unique token that is coupled to the email you applied with.
Creating your Account
In the account creation form, you need to fill in the following details.
This must be the same email you applied with.
This will be the password of your Dartroom account. This will now be your wallet's password. Wallets are not integrated into your Dartroom account.
Wallet address:
This wil be your Algorand address coupled to your account. This address will be used to mint NFTs and receive payments. Make sure this address is an Algorand address which looks like this:
If you do not have an Algorand address or wallet yet, you can find more info about it in the wallet section.
This will be your artist's name displayed on the site. This does not have to be your real name but can be a pseudonym. This name must be unique against all other artist names on Dartroom. Capital letters and spaces are ignored in the comparison to keep names as unique as possible.
After creating your account, you can now log in with your email and password to access your account. When logged in as an artist, you can start minting NFTs.
Updating your Account
You can update your account by navigating from the side/bottom navigation bar to the "Account" tab. On that page, you can add additional information to your artist account.
Social accounts
Make sure to add only your Twitter tag and Instagram user name in the fields. The full link is not necessary. So just _Dartroom instead of
You can opt into receiving email notifications of sales for your NFTs. You can choose between only receiving notification about the primary market or also receiving notification of the secondary market of you NFTs.