Only artists on Dartroom can mint new NFTs. If you do not yet have an artist account, you can follow the instructions in the apply section.


On Dartroom, the setup of the NFT is separated from the minting process. You first create a concept NFT with all the details and upload the media. Later you then mint this concept NFT.

You can create a concept NFT by navigating in the side/bottom bar to the Create page and selecting the NFT option. You then get a form with the details of your NFT.


The title of your NFT.


A description of what the NFT represents or how it was made.

This can be a link to additional information about this NFT. The NFT might appear in a game that you want to link here, or maybe you can explore the NFT in full 3D on your own site.


If the NFT shows nudity, sexual acts or gore, please mark it as NSFW. This way, we can keep the site safe to use in work and public places. In the case that you do not mark it as NSFW, but the Dartroom Admins think it should be, they can override your choice.


You can link the NFT to one of the collections you have created.


If the collection you created and linked has attributes, you can select these here.

Media type

Choose the media type of you NFT. Currently Dartroom supports:

Images in the form of png, jpg and jpeg
Video in the form of mp4 that is h264 or AVC encoded

We are also working on adding 3D support in the form of glb or obj files.

Detail page preview

This preview shows how the NFT will look on the NFT detail page.

Feed preview

This is a preview of how the NFT will ook in the feed. Depending on which aspect ratio better suits your artwork, you can choose a square card or a wide card. If the artwork is still wider or taller than the card, you can position it with the x and y sliders.

Creating the concept

When you have filled in all the details, you can click the create button. The site will then upload your NFT details and media. After the uploading is finished, you will be redirected to the concepts overview page.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Tue, Apr 5, 2022