Collections v1.3

On Dartroom, the artists can create an unlimited amount of collections. But note that collections on Dartroom (and Algorand) are not set up the same way as on platforms like Foundation and Open Sea on Ethereum.

On Ethereum, NFTs are minted from a smart contract. Without your own collection, you mint your NFTs with the platform's default smart contract. But when you create a collection on, for example, Foundation, you create your own smart contract and mint from it.

On Algorand, you do not mint from a smart contract but directly on layer 1 with the default ASA token type. Therefore you do not need your own smart contract.

A collection on Algorand is simply a way to separate content on-chain by minting it with different addresses. On Dartroom, there is an additional collection type called "shallow", which does not separate the content on-chain but only on Dartroom.


Shallow collections are a way to group NFTs only on Dartroom. This is ideal for small collections for which you do not want to manage a separate address. The NFTs in these collections simply get registered in our database as part of a collection.

Since this collection is not on-chain, all NFTs get minted with the same address as your account. Because the address is the same you can add NFTs to this collection in retrospect.

Address based

Address based collections group NFTs on-chain by minting them with separate wallets. Each address-based collection needs to have an address coupled with it to mint NFTs. You will have to add this address to your wallet app to mint with it. And you will receive the funds from sales of the collection at this address.

The main advantage of this type of collection is that it will be displayed and tracked separately on other sites like the NFTexplorer. But minting with a different address from your main account does mean the NFTs can not be removed from the collection. The same goes for NFTs that are already minted outside of the collection. These can not be added in retrospect.


Both collection types support attributes. Attributes are a way to make items in your collection more identifiable and to define their uniqueness/rarity.

Attributes are first defined on a collection level and later individually added to the items in the collection. You can add and update attributes after the collection is created. And you can add attributes to NFTs after they are minted.

Manage collections


You can create a collection by navigating to the create page in the menu and then selecting the collection option. In the creation form, you will find the following options.

Title (required):

This is the name of your collection and must be unique side wide, just like your username. Make sure it is identifiable and represents the NFTs in the collection without your account as context, as the collection will be displayed outside of your account on the site.


Here, you can explain what your collection is about or what special features it might have.

Collection type:

This is, as defined in the Address based and Shallow sections above, the type of collection you want to create.

Collection addresses (only for Address based collections):

In these fields, you can define the address(es) you want to mint NFTs in this collection with. Only use this (and the address based collection) when you want to mint your collection with a different address from your main account.


In this section, you can define all the attributes in the collection. Later, when minting or updating NFTs, you can select the attributes you defined here.

There are two display types at this moment, text and number. Text traits are the standard type and will display the value as text, while number traits will show the value as part of a range.

In the case of the text type, you define the trait name, for example, "Background", and then add all the possible values in one line separated by a ",". When you add this trait to an NFT later, you can select the trait "Background", and select one of the values you defined. s Logo light Logo dark

In the case of the number type, you define the trait name, for example, "Attack", and then define a range. When you add this trait to an NFT later, you can select the trait "Attack", and then select a number within the range.

Preview image (required):

This image will be displayed on the preview cards on your artist page and in the general collection field. This image is required for the creation of the collection, just like the title.

This image will be displayed at the top of the collection details page. You can use this to decorate your collection page or to show some highlights of the collection at the top of the page.


All properties of a collection can be updated, but in some cases, specific values are locked because they are used somewhere else. You can edit a collection by going to the manage tab and then to the collection section. There you will find a list of all the collections you have created, and you can click "edit" to change them.

You can always update the title, descript, preview and banner. But note that changing the title will mean the old title becomes available to other users as these need to be unique between all collections.

Collection addresses

You can add and remove your address-based collection addresses when you want to mint NFTs with a different address. If an address has already been used to mint an NFT on Dartroom, then it will be locked and can not be removed. If you delete all the NFTs minted with this address, it will become unlocked.

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You can add, remove and update the available attributes in your collection. You can create new traits or add and remove values of existing traits. If a trait is assigned to an NFT, you can no longer remove it. It is now locked in place until no NFT uses it anymore. The principle is the same for the values of the trait. When they are used in an NFT, they get locked. However, you can still add new values to a locked trait and remove unused values.

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Both collection types can be deleted. The only requirement for deletion is that no NFTs are in the collection. When that is the case, the delete option will become available on the collection management page.


Add NFTs

When you have created a collection, you link NFTs to it. In the case of address-based collection, NFTs can only be added to the collection before they get minted. In the case of shallow collections, you can also add NFTs to them after they are minted.

When creating a new concept NFT you can link a collection you have created.

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If you want to add an NFT to a shallow collection after it was minted, you can go to the ASA management page. On that page, you can click the "Edit ASA" button to go to the editing form, where you can link the NFT to a collection. In the list with options, you will only see the shallow collection, as address-based collections do not support linking in retrospect.

Adding attributes

If the selected collection has attributes defined, you can add these to the NFT as well. You can select a trait from the list, and once selected, you can pick a value from the predefined list. Or, in the case of number traits, you select a value within the predefined range.

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Updating attributes

If you want to update the attributes of an NFT, you can go to the ASA management page. There is an option to "Edit ASA" which leads to the edit form. You can add, update and remove traits of the NFT.

When creating a new NFT, the attribute data is stored on-chain in the ARC69 format. When you update the attributes on Dartroom, you get the option to update them on-chain, which is not mandatory. This update requires you to execute an asset config transaction which will update the on-chain info of the ASA. You can choose to not update the info on-chain, but this does mean the changes you made will not be visible to NFT explorers and other marketplaces.

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Remove NFTs

You can only remove NFTs from shallow collections without burning them. In the case of an address-bassed collection, you will have to burn the NFT to remove it. To remove the NFT from a collection, you need to go to the edit form and select the "none" option in the collections list. Selecting this option and then updating the NFT with the "Edit NFT" button will remove it from the collection.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Sat, Apr 2, 2022